Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Gettin a funny feeling...

Wow, ok...I really am trying to not read into this and get my hopes up. But...I had some really weird and painful surges in my boobs earlier, felt like it came from the inner core and surged out to my nipples. Like I said, weird. That's never ever happened to me before. Then a few hours later, I got this wave of nausea. I really thought I was going to be sick. Thank goodness for papaya (sp?) tablets.  So being the freak that I am, I took the's early signs of pregnancy quiz. So yeah, here I am, inspecting the darkness of my nipples...LOL so anyways, they predict that I am pregnant! After I told Scott what the quiz said, he kissed my tummy and started talking and joking with the "embryo" . Lol too cute! So now, I'm all excited and can't flipping sleep. I need to be up in 6 hours!
Baby dust!

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