I cant believe it! I'm finally here! Now, I just need to work on June 1st and then I can go into labor anytime. Working on the first will ensure I have insurance until the end of the month. Wahoo!!!
Worst symptoms this week: my hands/wrists falling asleep all day!! Even now, I'm wearing my wrist braces and my fingers are still numb. The braces do, however, make it much easier to sleep and function. Well, because of my hands being numb, I wake up all the time during the night!! Yesterday was the worst. I had such a miserable headache from lack of sleep. And Scott has been sick with sinus issues so I drove both ways to the midwives. Luckily, after a nap, my headache did get slightly better.
How Far: 37 Weeks!!! :)
Weight gain: -1lb since last week+36 for the pregnancy.
Stretch marks: yes
Maternity clothes: of course
Sleep: Terrible...when Im not waking to pee (usually 2-3 times a night) I am waking because my hands are asleep and I cant use them to help me turn over...
Best moment this week: just making it through another week, and getting closer to seeing my little man!
Miss anything? Sleep, sleeping on my belly, my hands working properly
Cravings: nothing particular
Anything make you queasy or sick: not really, still smelly people...ew
Gender: boy!
Wedding rings: havent tried recently, but im sure they still wont fit.
belly button: i dont think it will ever pop out or be completely flat, but it has definitely changed!
movements: lots, not so much kicks, but his little butt moving around
symptoms: see above, tired, nesting, bh contractions (12ish minutes apart, lasting for 1), still swelling in the feet and ankles--but its been getting slightly better, pubic pain.
Mood: feeling "done" lol. like most women at 37 weeks im sure. I want my little man to be here, and I want my body back, Im SO ready to be a mom! excited! happy! anxious! :)
Midwife update: measuring at 44.5weeks! estimated fetal weight is 7.5-8lbs. my pulse was 60, and b/p was 122/86--a bit higher than normal. My weight was down 1 lb from last week. fetal heart rate was 140. He is still head down and his head is "nice and engaged" as she said. She also mentioned "see you next week...or maybe not" eeekkk!!!
Scott and I are also trying to get things going. I believe that if Liam is not ready, these things wont work. I have researched and I understand the risks, but like Ive mentioned before, I trust my body. I will be posting throughout the week on "Labor Watch" with updates on my contractions and things we have tried to get labor started.
Thank you all for following me on my journey into motherhood! I am SO excited to continue to share my experiences!
<3 Nikky
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