Yesterday was father's day. We had our annual picnic with Scott's mom's side, and then climbed the Marsh Tower...

Yep...I climbed that...144 steps. Not one damn contraction! FML...Later on, I was sewing up some cloth wipes and at 11pm started getting a few contractions. We went to bed shortly after, I felt like something was definitely going on. I tried not to get to excited, and ended up falling asleep around midnight or a bit after. I woke a few times to some contractions, but eventually fell deeper into sleep and by morning, there was nothing again. I had my chiropractor appointment today and she did the labor inducing pressure points again. She predicted from feeling my pressure points that it will be today or tomorrow. God I hope so!! I did get a few contractions from her adjusting me and using the pressure points. And I have continued having very few mild contractions since. I have since done the dishes and plan to finish cleaning up the house. Not sure what the rest of the day holds for us, but I might go buy some castor oil. We'll see.
More soon! :)
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