Sweet sweet deals! I worked friday and a half day on saturday. Then another Thanksgiving dinner at the in-laws. Everything was delicious there as well. I eventually found my way to the couch to take a nap. OH! and we found out my sister-in-law is pregnant too!! She's due a month behind me. :) They are doing a midwife too! It will be neat to have someone to journey along with me :)
Anyways, onto the update...

How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain: 0 from last week, fluctuating from my pp weight to +5 pounds. So I'm going with no weight gain right now.
Maternity clothes: Yes, my work pants and my jeans have now gone maternity. Soooo much more comfortable!
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Has gotten much better already, usually only wake up to pee around 5:30am, and my dreams have been less strange and less frequent which is nice since I am sleeping deeper and more restful now.
Best Moment this week: wearing my maternity jeans! The comfort!! Thanksgiving with family! Yummy food! Finding out my sis-in-law Amy is preggers!
Miss anything? wine at thanksgiving dinner, lunch meat, not feeling bloated.
Food cravings: orange juice!! I am really enjoying bananas this week.
Anything make you queasy/sick? Nothing specific, but pretty much any weird/strong smells.
Gender prediction: I still say boy, I ordered an Intelligender test so we'll see what it says in week 11. :)
Wedding ring: on
Symptoms: they seem less this week, other than a little moody, and craving OJ. Im not nearly as tired.
Mood: Good, slightly moody
Looking forward to: getting my fluff mail! My midwife appointment dec 5th, then christmas shopping with Billie :)
I hope you all had a lovely time with your families and found some amazing deals!! :)
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