This week went by so fast! It's no wonder why it is Tuesday and I'm finally getting around to writing last weeks blog. Sunday we went to Scott's sister's house for lunch. They live about an hour and a half away. We took a nice scenic route back (which tacked on an additional 30 mins). Oh well, it was nice. Anyways, I ordered a few things this week. That sweater from Target that I blogged about last week, two pairs of pants from Motherhood maternity. And my new prenatal vitamins from amazon. Today I received my pants, and I'm thrilled to say they are fabulous!

Here are the vitamins I ordered. I cant wait for them to get here!

Anyways, On to this week's blog. :)
How far along? 23 weeks
Weight gain: +2 for the week, +5 for the pregnancy
Stretch marks: yes! They are definitely getting longer.
Maternity clothes: yes! new items on the way and beginning to fit into some that I already have.
Sleep: definitely have to get up a time or two more the pee throughout the night, and I am finally finding it harder to sleep on my back. I was concerned about this since I try to sleep on my side, but always end up on my back. My doula said not to worry too much about it. I will get uncomfortable when necessary. Other than that, sleep has been pretty good. My dreams are tapering off again, but I'm sure that will change soon.
Best moment: Realizing that Liam moves around like crazy when he hears his daddy talking. :) So cute!
Miss anything? Coffee!
Cravings: Food in general...haha, cucumbers too.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Not really
Gender: Boy
Movements: All the time, definitely in a pattern throughout the day, and especially when his daddy is around
Symptoms: tired, out of breath, sore lower back, peeing a lot, fetal movements :)
Mood: Fantastic!
Looking forward to: bringing my parents to see my midwife next week. Spring!!!