My baby shower went swimmingly! Everything was fantastic, tons of food, cake, games and gifts for baby boy! I knew my cousin was my cake hero before, but dang! She did such a fantastic job!! Not only did she make a monster cake, but she made THREE! All were different flavors too! Here is a similar photo of what mine looked like:

Anyways, there was tons of delicious food, and punch all made by my in-laws. The best game we played was "The Price is Right--It's in the Bag" Game. That one where you have to guess the price of the item. We had 6 baby related items and the most anyone got correct was 3! It was the funniest thing to see the women's faces when we revealed the prices! My grandma was like..."But it's just plastic!" to the $7.99 2pk snack catchers! lol.
Some of my favorite gifts for Liam were the cloth diapers! Yay! I was so excited to receive these! I got one weehuggers diaper cover found here. and 2 pockets by Imagine found here. We also got lots of cute clothes, and our pack n' play. Here is a photo of it.

We also got 3 sound machines! We kept the one we registered for, and returned the other two to buy some fun summer clothes and the Twilight Turtle. We actually use the sound machine every night already! It has fantastic sound quality and you can choose to have a timer or not. We love the Summer Night option, sounds like a hot summer night
There were so many other things that I cant wait to have Liam use! Lots of handmade blankets and a few sweet books. We are so blessed with the family and friends that helped us celebrate our little boy! <3
So after the shower, we were crazy busy trying to clean out his bedroom (which was used for storage, hobby, craft things). Also, our doula was coming for a home visit and we needed to clean the house up--big time! I also had missed my 34 week midwife appointment due to car issues, and had to reschedule during my busiest week so far. This is what my week looked like...
Saturday: Work 10-6:30, Scott needed new rear tires so badly that when I followed him to the garage, I was seriously praying they would hold up. They looked so terrible! At work, my stress about the upcoming week just hit an all time high, and when a pile of boxes and product went spilling to the floor in the backroom, I couldnt handle it anymore. I broke down and cried. That coupled with my stress, anxiety, swelling, and braxton hicks, just did terrible things to me. I ended up going home after 2 hours of work. After that, when Scott left for work, he called me a few minutes later saying that some douche pulled out in front of him, and he had to avoid hitting this guy's truck and had to put his car (new tires and all) in the ditch!! Worst part was the guy didn't even stop, and he had his kid in the front seat--which Scott would have hit if he didn't take to the ditch! So anyways, after all that I ended up taking a nap, and feeling a lot better. I even managed to get more boxes packed up to move downstairs.
Sun: Work 6am-12pm, Mother's day at my mom's 1pm-3:30, Mother's day at Scott's mom's 4-6pm. *try to clean-ended up with a terrible sinus headache and used my netipot and took a nap*
Monday: 7:45am chiro appt, work 9-5:30, *try even harder to clean*
Tuesday: leave house at 6am to see the Dali Lama in Madison with Billie. Spent all day in Madtown. Walked State street, it was hot, and I swelled up terribly. We hung out by Vilas Park for a few hours, it was beautiful!
Wednesday: Midwife appointment 9am (1hr 15 min drive) made it back by 11:30 :) Cleaned a like a mad women! Exhausted myself :( 6pm Doula Rachel came over for our home visit! She is so fantastic! She left at 7:30. I made dinner, and then sat down to enjoy our clean house! PHEW!! I also tried to take a bath, but the water wasnt very hot due to the dishes being done earlier. So I ended up crawling in bed, and passing out.
So I guess that pretty much catches you all up to speed. Things were so crazy, and hopefully now they will settle down, and I will enjoy these last few weeks. :)
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