Monday, December 3, 2012

Pregnancy Week 11

We put up our Christmas Light outside of our house. Looks so nice! Old fashioned multicolored C9 lights! Now if only we could get inspected so we could start moving and decorating downstairs! This week I did get my fluff mail! And I love all the covers I bought. I can't wait to buy the prefolds and prep it all.

Took the intelligender test Sunday morning, swirled and waited...prediction was a BOY! :) Scott was happy, now we'll have to wait a few weeks til we can really find out. 


How far along? 11 Weeks

Total weight gain: the same--between 0-5lbs fluctuating.

Maternity Clothes: Just pants.

Stretch Marks: nope

Sleep: Getting better and better!

Best moment this week: getting my fluff mail!

Miss anything? coffee

Food cravings: Orange Juice! Peach and blueberry smoothies (made with oj, of course)

Anything make you queasy/sick? nothing in particular.

Gender prediction: if the Intelligender test was right, that would mean I have been right all along! :)

Wedding ring: On

Symptoms: pretty sparse, dizzy spells but I think it was from fighting off an illness.

Mood: Great!

Looking forward to: My midwife appointment next Wednesday when I'll hear the heartbeat! :)

Have a wonderfully festive day!!!

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