Took the intelligender test Sunday morning, swirled and waited...prediction was a BOY! :) Scott was happy, now we'll have to wait a few weeks til we can really find out.
How far along? 11 Weeks
Total weight gain: the same--between 0-5lbs fluctuating.
Maternity Clothes: Just pants.
Stretch Marks: nope
Sleep: Getting better and better!
Best moment this week: getting my fluff mail!
Miss anything? coffee
Food cravings: Orange Juice! Peach and blueberry smoothies (made with oj, of course)
Anything make you queasy/sick? nothing in particular.
Gender prediction: if the Intelligender test was right, that would mean I have been right all along! :)
Wedding ring: On
Symptoms: pretty sparse, dizzy spells but I think it was from fighting off an illness.
Mood: Great!
Looking forward to: My midwife appointment next Wednesday when I'll hear the heartbeat! :)
Have a wonderfully festive day!!!
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