Monday, July 8, 2013

What's in a Name?


So how did I come up with Gone Fischin' and what does it mean?

I am following the lead of Brittany from Flip Flops and What Nots. See her post HERE.

Well, if you go back to my first few posts, you will see that I started blogging when my husband and I began trying to conceive. Back then I was temping, tracking, and tirelessly analyzing my symptoms of a possible pregnancy. Then low and behold, a wonderful thing happened! We got pregnant! And since then, this blog has followed my journey as an expectant mother. And now, as a first time mom. Soon, a first time mom and in-home daycare teacher.

So Gone Fischin' was a play off of our last name, Fischer. We were "fishing" for a bite and hooked a big one! haha...ok, overkill... But really, now I feel like I'm living the dream just as someone who enjoys going fishing. Just sitting there and taking it all in. Some days are stormy, others are bright and sun-shiny. All are perfect. :) Ok, again, overkill on the cheese factor...oh well.

Where I am going with this blog:

I plan on doing monthly updates on Liam, as well as tidbits along the way.

I also want to do postpartum updates for a few months. I know that with a c-section recovery is a bit more extended, and I would have loved to read other mama's stories so I was more prepared.

Once I have my in-home daycare up and running, I plan on posting about fun activities we do. Hopefully I can inspire others with my ideas or even share fun things to do!

I also love to cook/bake/garden/craft so I will be posting meal plan ideas, recipes, garden updates and crafty ideas :)

So there ya have it. My cheesy blog title... What's in your name?



  1. I got the last name reference, but didn't know how far it extended. It's clever! :)

    1. Scott thinks its beyond cheezy...but that's me! haha.
