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I have been trying for awhile to get Liam off the nipple shield. I honestly was getting concerned that we would never be free of it. I did some research and came up with some ideas on how to try a natural latch whilst trying to wean off the shield. I'm excited to say that today we have been nursing without it!! I can honestly say that my bond with Liam feels totally different now, and so freaking amazing!! I'm not sure if it is a different hormone that was released or if it's all in my head. But whatever it is, I am so grateful!! Obviously I was already bonded with my little boy, but breastfeeding didnt elicit these amazing "I'm providing for my child" feelings that everyone says. Well, now it does! :) He seems calmer as well. Maybe it was just what I ate that kept him calm for once, but whatever it is, I am thrilled! :)
I found this website with these great ideas and tips. KellyMom
It also describes some of the reasons a person would need a nipple shield and other info about it.

Weaning from a nipple shield
These things can help you start to wean from the shield:- Ensure good positioning and latch–
- Make sure that when positioning your baby to nurse you are holding him so that his whole body faces yours. He should not have to turn his head to nurse.
- Wait for the baby to open very wide – as with a yawn – before you attempt to latch him on.
- Once he has opened this wide – and it may take patience waiting for him to do so – pull him in real close making sure that he takes as much of the breast into his mouth as possible. His chin and nose should touch your breast. His lips should be flanged out – like a rose petal or a fish’s lips. If they are not, use your finger to flip them out manually.
- Before attempting to feed at all, pump a few minutes. This will elicit let-down so that baby gets a quick reward. It will also elongate the nipple for him.
- Also before feeding, offer him your index or pinky finger nail-side down to suck on for several minutes. This suck-training teaches him to drop his tongue down as he must do with breastfeeding. With the shield (much like a bottle nipple) he may push his tongue to the roof of his mouth to slow the flow of milk.
- Breastfeed frequently – as often as you can. Attempt to feed before he gets too hungry – when he is sucking on his fingers or rooting, but before he cries. If you can catch him early he may be more willing to work with you. You also might try nursing when he is a little drowsy. Some babies are more willing to take the breast when they are semi-asleep than when fully awake.
- Try different nursing positions.
- Nurse while in motion – as you walk, sway, rock, bounce, etc.
- Provide lots of skin-to-skin contact when nursing and at other times as you can. Undress baby to his diaper and remove your blouse if possible. Try nursing while you both enjoy a warm bath.
- Drip expressed breastmilk (or formula, or sugar water if no ebm is available) over your nipple in the corner of the baby’s mouth using an eyedropper or feeding syringe while he is at the breast.
- If baby becomes upset as you are trying, stop and attempt to calm him before trying again.
- It may help if you compress your breast and hold it firmly about 1 1/2 inches from the base of your nipple toward the chest wall (usually at the edge of the areola just past where your baby’s lips will be) – like squishing down a big thick sandwich on a roll to take a bite. Holding the breast this way makes your nipple more firm like the shield. Keep holding it like that until it feels like baby is sucking well, and then slowly release the grip.
- Apply ice to your nipple before feeding to harden it.
- Try to notice if there are certain times of the day or positions that he seems more receptive during and build on those.
- Try offering the breast without the nipple shield, particularly when baby is rather sleepy. Sometimes once they take the “bare” breast a couple times, they’ll continue with no problems.
- If baby doesn’t take the breast without the shield relatively easily, give it to him with the shield. DO NOT allow him to become frustrated at the breast, that will only make him more resistant to breastfeeding. Allow baby to build trust that nursing will work and will be ok, even if that means using the shield to make it familiar and easy for him. Once he builds trust, start to remove the shield after he has been on for awhile
- After baby is nursing well and let-down has occurred, attempt to remove the shield quickly and relatch baby. Very gradually, start to remove it earlier and earlier in the feeding until you don’t need it at all.
- Sometimes it works to offer the first breast with the shield and the second one without it, if your baby takes both breasts in one feeding.
- In the beginning, you may not want to take away the shield at every feeding so the baby relaxes and doesn’t look for you to remove it every time.
- You may hear the recommendation to cut away the tip of the nipple shield, a little each day, until it’s gone. This is not recommended for silicon shields, because it will leave sharp edges.
Hope this helps others that are trying to wean from the nipple shield! Happy Boobmilk week!! :)
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