I know I'm the biggest slacker of all time! I really do have the time to write my blog, but everyday after work, I really have no ambition to do so. It is really hard to look back and remember what happened these two weeks that would be worth sharing, so I may just ramble about the cool new things we bought/received along with a few symptoms. :) I had my 32 week appointment on Monday. Everything is perfect! We also bought our travel system with a 15% coupon from babies r us. We weren't originally going to get a travel system because I didnt want to have to buy another car seat in a few months. But, Scott's parents wanted to purchase it for us, so we eventually found one that we liked. I have mixed feelings about infant seats instead of convertible seats. I understand the convenience of being able to take the seat in and out of the car--especially without waking the baby. But I hate how so many people leave their child in them to hang out, even if they are awake! Flat heads people!!! You are going to give your child a flat head! Anyways, there is also the cost factor, why buy two when one will do? Well, eventually we went with it, I decided that just because many people keep their babies in them, doesnt mean we will, and we will eventually have to buy two seats when we have a second child (no plans yet, dont worry lol). So we bought there Baby Trend Expedition ELX Travel System in the color Everglade. I really wanted a 3 wheeled stroller for easier maneuverability, and I love the bike tired for a smoother ride. The reviews are pretty split, but the biggest complaint is that the front wheel wobbles when mom/dad is jogging. Let's just say, I dont jog...haha, my asthma is so terrible, I can do like a minute run before stopping. But even still, you can lock the wheel and many other people had no trouble with it then. If I ever become a serious jogger, then Ill invest in a BOB or something. Besides that, I love the color, there is also a mp3 connect in the parent tray. Not that that was a deciding factor for me, but it is kinda cool.

We also received our changing pad, cover, and liners in the mail from a family friend that cant make the shower. It was so fun to pull it out and see/feel it! Everything is starting to come together and it feels so nice! Even the carseat sitting on the kitchen floor is so cute! I just think...Dang! Our little baby will be in that soon!! Holy Crap!! haha. We also received our booster/high chair. Here's a picture.
Its a little smaller in person that I initially thought, but it will do, and if we decide otherwise, this one can go by grandmas :) Super nice though, is there is a cover, and then a divided tray, and then a full tray underneath. It even folds up and can be taken on the go.
How far: 30 and 31 weeks
Weight gain: as of my 32 week appt on monday, only 2.5lbs gained! Wahoo! Thank God its not another 11 pounds!! That brings my total weight gain to 30 lbs.
** I also measured at 39 weeks for my fundal height, which is definitely good since last month I jumped from 26 to 36! Yikes!! So clearly that was just a big growth spurt and she felt baby, and said he felt averaged sized for his age. :) Yay!
Stretch marks: yes
Maternity Clothes: Yes, I think I mentioned in my last post the cute shirt I got, and the support belt I took back--but they would only give me store credit--which sucks! I really didnt plan on buying anything else for maternity clothes! oh well...
Sleep: I have definitely been learning and getting used to getting more broken sleep and less of it.
Best moment this week: getting some gifts in the mail and buying our travel system! Finding out Liam is not gigantic in there! Pheww!
Miss anything? coffee! and stomach sleeping
Cravings: not a whole lot, salty/snacky foods
Anything make you queasy or sick: not really
Gender: boy! :)
Belly Button: In, but more shallow than ever. I doubt it will pop though.
Wedding rings: on
Movements: Yes yes yes!!
Symptoms: backaches, tired, lack of motivation, round ligament pain
Mood: good
Looking forward to: My shower!! less than two weeks away!
I hope you all are well! And again, I'm so sorry I'm such a slacker lately! I'm off to try to make some curtains for Liam's room. Enjoy your week!